I have been appointed Curator for the Estate of Glen Smith and Estate of Shirley Smith. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of their heirs, please contact Bradley Sloane, Attorney at Law, 607 East Askew Street, Tallulah, LA, or phone (318) 574-3133.
7/10, 7/17
St. Joseph, Louisiana
April 11, 2024
The Tensas Parish School Board met in a regular meeting at the Tensas Parish Material Center, St. Joseph, Louisiana, at 6:00 p.m., April 11, 2024, with President John L. Turner presiding and the following members present with a quorum:
Mrs. Jennifer Burnside, Mrs. Knola Ransome, Mr. George Matthews, Mr. Joseph Tarver, and Mr. Esaw Turner
Absent: Mrs. Annice Miller
President Turner called the meeting to order. Mr. Esaw Turner led an invocation, and Superintendent Joyce M. Russ led the Pledge of Allegiance.
On motion by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mrs. Burnside, the Board approved the minutes from the regular board meeting held on March 14, 2024, and minutes from the special meeting held on March 25, 2024. Motion passed.
On motion by Mr. Matthews, seconded by Mr. Turner, the Board approved conversion of TPSB Policy Manual to Computer Assisted Policy Service (CAPS), a customized software program offered through Forethought Consulting. Motion passed.
On motion by Mr. Matthews, seconded by Mrs. Ransome, the Board received the February financial statement and budget to actual update from Mrs. Eryn Rimmey, Business Manager. Motion passed.
Superintendent Russ made the following announcements:
I’d like to thank the Board Members and others for attending the meeting tonight.
State testing is underway and going well.
This school year is almost over. THS graduation will be May 10th.
There being no further business before the Board, on the motion offered by Mr. Matthews, seconded by Mr. Turner, the meeting was adjourned.
/s/ John Turner
John Turner, President
/s/ Joyce M. Russ
Joyce M. Russ, Superintendent
St. Joseph, Louisiana
May 9, 2024
The Tensas Parish School Board met in a regular meeting at the Tensas Parish Material Center, St. Joseph, Louisiana, at 6:00 p.m., May 9, 2024, with President John L. Turner presiding and the following members present with a quorum:
Mrs. Jennifer Burnside, Mrs. Knola Ransome, Mr. Joseph Tarver, Mrs. Annice Miller, and Mr. Esaw Turner
Absent: Mr. George Matthews
President Turner called the meeting to order. Mr. Esaw Turner led an invocation, and Superintendent Joyce M. Russ led the Pledge of Allegiance.
On motion by Mrs. Burnside, seconded by Mrs. Ransome, the Board approved the minutes from the regular board meeting held on April 11, 2024. Motion passed.
The Board received a resolution honoring the life of Mrs. Mary Louise Carter. Mr. Turner motioned to approve the resolution, and Mrs. Miller seconded. Motion passed.
On motion by Mrs. Burnside, seconded by Mrs. Ransome, the Board received the March financial statement and budget to actual update from Mrs. Eryn Rimmey, Business Manager. Motion passed.
On motion by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mrs. Miller, the Board approved the June sales tax checks for employees. Certified employees will receive $3,300.00, and support employees will receive $1,540.00. Checks will be disseminated on June 7, 2024.
Superintendent Russ made the following announcements:
I’d like to thank the Board Members and others for attending the meeting tonight.
THS graduation is tomorrow night at 7 p.m. in the gym.
This is Teacher Appreciation week, and also Nurses week. We appreciate each and every one!
Again, thank you each for attending, and if you need me please text or call.
Resignation: Tettra Scott, Federal Programs Secretary, Effective 05/06/2024
Retirement: Mary E. Carter, Para-Professional, TES, Effective 06/30/2024
Katherine Jones, Para-Professional, TES, Effective 06/30/2024
Joseph Petty, School Bus Driver, Effective 05/31/2024
There being no further business before the Board, on the motion offered by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mrs. Miller, the meeting was adjourned.
/s/ John Turner
John Turner, President
/s/ Joyce M. Russ
Joyce M. Russ, Superintendent
Town of St. Joseph
Public Hearing Notice
The Town of St. Joseph is hereby notifying its citizens that a public hearing will be held at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, August 13, 2024 at the St. Joseph Town Hall. The purpose of the public hearing will be to inform the public on the recently completed FY 2021 CDBG-CV Love Louisiana Outdoors Program – Splash Pad project.
The Town will conduct a seminar during the public hearing to better inform its citizens of the Fair Housing program as a method of continually informing the public of Fair Housing in the Town. Those interested in submitting written comments, particularly low- and moderate-income persons and residents of slums and blighted areas, may do so to: Matthew Alexander, Mayor, Town of St. Joseh, P.O. Box 217, St. Joseph, LA 71366. Any negative comments received will be forwarded to the State of Louisiana, Division of Administration.
All residents, particularly low- and moderate-income people and residents of slum and blighted areas of the Town are encouraged to attend this meeting. Accommodations will be made for persons with disabilities and non-English speaking persons provided those persons request said accommodations 3 days prior to the public hearing by calling (318)766-3713. The Town can be reached by telecommunication devices for the deaf through the Louisiana Relay Services at 1-800-856-5277 (TDD)
The Town of St. Joseph is an equal opportunity employer.