Proposed Constitutional Amendments to be voted on at the Open Primary/Presidential/Congressional Election November 5, 2024
CODING: Words which are struck through are deletions from existing law; words in boldface type and/or underscored are additions.
Proposed Amendment No. 1
Regular Session, 2024
ACT No. 408
Proposing to amend Article VII, Section 10.2(E)(1) of the Constitution of Louisiana, relative to federal proceeds from alternative energy production on the Outer Continental Shelf; to provide for the disposition of revenues; to provide for submission of the proposed amendment to the electors; and to provide for related matters.
Section 1. Be it resolved by the Legislature of Louisiana, two-thirds of the members elected to each house concurring, that there shall be submitted to the electors of the state of Louisiana, for their approval or rejection in the manner provided by law, a proposal to amend Article VII, Section 10.2(E)(1) of the Constitution of Louisiana, to read as follows:
§10.2. Coastal Protection and Restoration Fund
Section 10.2
* * *
(E)(1) Subject to Article VII, Sections 9(B) and 10.1 of this constitution, in each fiscal year, the federal revenues that are received by the state generated from Outer Continental Shelf energy production, including but not limited to oil and gas activity, wind energy, solar energy, tidal energy, wave energy, geothermal energy, and other alternative or renewable energy production or sources, and eligible, as provided by federal law, to be used for the purposes of this Paragraph shall be deposited and credited by the treasurer to the Coastal Protection and Restoration Fund.
* * *
Section 2. Be it further resolved that this proposed amendment shall be submitted to the electors of the state of Louisiana at the statewide election to be held on November 5, 2024.
Section 3. Be it further resolved that on the official ballot to be used at the election, there shall be printed a proposition, upon which the electors of the state shall be permitted to vote YES or NO, to amend the Constitution of Louisiana, which proposition shall read as follows:
Do you support an amendment to require that federal revenues received by the state generated from Outer Continental Shelf alternative or renewable energy production be deposited into the Coastal Protection and Restoration Fund? (Amends Article VII, Section 10.2(E)(1))
Town of Saint Joseph
Regular Monthly Meeting
September 9, 2024
The Village of Saint Joseph Mayor and Board of Aldermen convened in a special session on Monday, September 9, 2024, at 6:00p.m. at St. Joseph Community House on Levee Street.
Meeting Called to order by Mayor Matthew C. Alexander
Patsy Crayton gave the invocation
Roll Call: Present- Alderwoman Mayor Pro Tem LaPeteria Watson, Alderwoman Juanita Roberts, Alderman Daniel Cavin. Absent – Alderman Jerry Newman, Alderman Carl Olds
Others present: Heather Richard-Municipal Clerk, Michelle Morales – Utility Clerk, Wanda Bowman, Mary Frances Johnson, KraShondra Winston, Louise Taylor, Margaret Triplett, Patsy Crayton, Hester Turner, Deana Hicks, Esaw Turner, and Linda Williams.
Motioned by Alderman Cavin and seconded by Alderwoman Mayor Pro Tem Watson, to approve minutes of August 21, 2024 special meeting. All were in favor, motion carried.
Motioned by Alderwoman Roberts, seconded by Alderman Cavin to approve Agenda. All were in favor, motion carried
Public Hearing and Public Comments:
Discussion ensued regarding hurricane preparedness. Mayor stated that we have the recently adopted hazard mitigation plan in place. Mayor stated there was sand, bags and a shovel at the barn that was available for citizens. Mayor stated that assistance was available from the village and citizens can call Town Hall to request.
Alderwoman Roberts asked if letters had been sent out to owners of blighted properties. Mayor stated that the village is working to set rates before sending letters.
1. Introduction of Ordinance 24-1-0909 to introduce gas rate increase for town. Mayor stated that he received an email from the town accountant stating that the town needs to increase gas rates in order to be sustainable. Mayor read email aloud. If approved, ordinance will run in the paper three times then be voted on at an upcoming meeting. Discussion ensued concerning gas rates.
Motioned made by Alderman Cavin to approve introduction of ordinance 24-1-0909. Seconded by Alderwoman Pro Temp Watson. Roll Call Vote: Cavin – yes, Watson – yes, Roberts – yes. Motion Carries and ordinance will be introduced.
2. Mayor stated that an increase to garbage rates will not be introduced at this time. Rate studies will be done in the future to evaluate.
3. Mayor requests approval to sign contract with Lake Bruin Water District #1, to selling water to Lake Bruin Water District #1. The Village of St. Joseph will monitor chlorine residual levels in the supplied water daily to make sure levels are within the ranges set by the Department of Health. The village will provide water to the Water District for a rate of $3.50/1000 gallons. The water rate is currently undergoing a rate study. Price will be renegotiated once rate study is completed. Discussion ensued regarding water. Michelle Morales, Utility Clerk, tells citizens about a website they can go to and monitor their water usage. This program is called Eye on Water. Citizens are encouraged to sign up for notifications regarding their water.
Motion made by Alderwoman Roberts and seconded by Alderman Cavin to approve the signing of the contract with Lake Bruin Water District #1. All in favor, motion carries.
4. Mayor requests the approval of the Capital Outlay Request Resolution for Roadway Improvements. This resolution will assist the Village of St. Joseph in applying for an upcoming street grant. Discussion ensued about road conditions. Citizens are invited to call town hall to report roads that need to be fixed.
Motion made by Alderman Cavin and seconded by Alderwoman Pro Tem Watson to approve the Capital Outlay Request. Roll call vote: Roberts -yes, Cavin -yes, Watson- yes. Motion passes.
5. Mayor requests the approval of setting millage rates for property taxes.
Motion made by Alderwoman Pro Tem Watson and seconded by Alderwoman Roberts. All in favor, motion passes.
6. Mayor presents financial report for the month of August. Report is made available for citizens.
Next regular monthly meeting will be October 7, 2024, at 6:00p.m. at the St. Joseph Community House.
With no further business to come before the board, motion by Alderwoman Pro Tem Watson and seconded by Alderwoman Roberts to adjourn meeting; all in favor, motion carried. Meeting adjourned.
Matthew C. Alexander, Mayor
Heather Richard, Municipal Clerk
August 27, 2024
10:00 AM
The Tensas Parish Police Jury met this day in regular session convened. There were present the following officers and members to-wit:
Bubba Rushing, President
Pauline Doyle, Secretary/Treasurer
Members: Billy Joe Arceneaux, Robert Clark, Bill Sid Crigler, Clay Foster, Terrence South, Bubba Rushing, and Alex Watson.
Clay Foster, Invocation
Billy Joe Arceneaux, Pledge of Allegiance
Guest present were: Todd Merriett, Thelma Bradford, Butch Thornton, Danny Clark, and Hiram Copeland.
There were no comments from the general public regarding the agenda item(s).
Upon a motion by Robert Clark, duly seconded by Bill Crigler, it was unanimously agreed to approve the agenda as printed. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Upon a motion by Terrence South, duly seconded by Clay Foster, it was unanimously agreed to approve the minutes for the Regular Meeting held on August 13, 2024 with the correction of the spelling of Newellton on page 2. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Upon a motion by Alex Watson, duly seconded by Bill Crigler, it was unanimously agreed to approve payment of bills as authorized by the Finance Committee. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Presidents Report: Bubba Rushing reported a new café in Newellton will open in the next two to three months
Secretary/Treasurer Report: Pauline Doyle reported that the liability/auto insurance policy had increased 15% for the next fiscal year.
Superintendents Report: Todd Merriett updated the Jury on ongoing Maintenance Unit work.
OEP Report: Kiley Sanders is attending a training session-no report available.
Upon a motion by Bill Crigler, duly seconded by Billy Joe Arceneaux, it was unanimously agreed to approve Deborah Johnson to attend the Parochial Employee’s Retirement System training session in Baton Rouge on October 8, 2024.
Upon a motion by Robert Clark, duly seconded by Bill Crigler, it was unanimously agreed to accept Marty McGee’s estimated bid for the fence on the west side of the Newellton Recreation Park to be paid with ARPA funds. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Upon a motion by Terrence South, duly seconded by Bill Crigler, it was agreed to raise the price per acre at the Industrial Park to $5000.00 per acre. Roll call vote taken: Billy Joe Arceneaux-yes, Robert Clark-yes, Bill Crigler-yes, Clay Foster-yes, Terrence South-yes, Alex Watson-yes. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Upon a motion by Terrence South, duly seconded by Clay Foster, it was unanimously agreed to sell Johnny Daves four acres in the Industrial Park for a trucking business at $5000.00 per acre next to O’Neal Gas Company with the stipulation that the property cannot contain junk and must have a building constructed within six months. Terrence South recuse himself.
Upon a motion by Bill Crigler, duly seconded by Clay Foster, it was unanimously agreed to sell Janice Emfinger two acres in the Industrial Park for a Nursery at $5000.00 per acre. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Upon a motion by Clay Foster, duly seconded by Robert Clark, it was unanimously agreed to approve the requests from the Village of St. Joseph. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Upon a motion by Terrence South, duly seconded by Robert Clark, it was unanimously agreed to exit regular session and enter into executive session. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Upon a motion by Terrence South, duly seconded by Robert Clark, it was unanimously agreed to exit executive session and enter into regular session. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Upon a motion by Terrence South, duly seconded by Robert Clark, it was agreed to approve employee #45R be full time with benefits and a salary increase of $2.00 per hour effective August 29, 2024. Roll call vote taken: Billy Joe Arceneaux-yes, Robert Clark-yes, Bill Crigler-yes, Clay Foster-yes, Terrence South-yes, Alex Watson-yes. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Upon a motion by Terrence South, duly seconded by Bill Crigler, it was agreed to approve employe #72E a salary increase of $2.00 per hour. Roll call vote taken: Billy Joe Arceneaux-yes, Robert Clark-yes, Bill Crigler-yes, Clay Foster-yes, Terrence South-yes, Alex Watson-yes. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Upon a motion by Terrence South, duly seconded by Robert Clark, it was unanimously agreed to refund $125.00 to Drake Bass. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Upon a motion by Robert Clark, duly seconded by Terrence South, it was unanimously agreed to adjourn. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Separate sealed bids for the TENSAS WATER DISTRIBUTION ASSOCIATION, INC., CONTRACT 3 – RAW WATER INTAKE PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS & SUPPLY LINE TO WATER TREATMENT PLANT, will be received by Tensas Water Distribution Association, Inc. at the office of Pan American Engineers, LLC, 1717 Jackson Street, Alexandria, Louisiana 71301 until 2:00 P.M. on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud. Any bid received after the specified time and date will not be considered.
The Instructions to Bidders, Bid Form, Agreement Between Owner and Contractor, Forms of Bid Bond, Performance and Payment Bonds, Drawings and Specifications, and other Contract Documents may be examined at the following location:
(Design Professional)
1717 JACKSON STREET (71301)
P. O. BOX 8599 (71306)
(318) 473-2100
The work is generally described as follows: The replacement of three (3) raw water pumps at the existing raw water intake structure and the installation of approximately 4,100 linear foot of 12” PVC raw water main from the pump intake structure to the existing water treatment plant.
Copies of the bidding documents shall be obtained from the office of Pan American Engineers, LLC upon deposit of $150.00 for each set of documents. The deposit on the first set of documents furnished to bonafide prime bidders will be fully refunded upon return of the documents, in good condition, no later than ten (10) days after receipt of bids. On other sets of documents furnished to bidders, the deposit less actual cost of reproduction will be refunded upon return of the documents, in good condition, no later than ten (10) days after receipt of bids.
The OWNER reserves the right to reject any or all bids for just cause. Such actions will be in accordance with Title 38 of Public Bid Law.
In accordance with L.R.S. 38:2212.B.(1), the provisions and requirements stated in the Bidding Documents shall not be considered as informalities and shall not be waived.
Each Bidder must deposit with the bid, security in the amount of at least five percent (5%) of the total bid price, as described in the Instructions to Bidders. Bid bonds shall be written by a surety or insurance company meeting the requirements noted in L.R.S. 38:2218.
The successful Bidder shall be required to furnish a Performance Bond and Payment Bond, in an amount equal to 100% of the Contract amount, written by a surety or insurance company meeting the requirements noted in L.R.S. 38:2219 A.(1)(a), (b) and (c), or for Federally funded projects, must be listed as acceptable on the U.S. Department of Treasury Circular 570.
Tensas Water Distribution Association, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer.
Tensas Water Distribution Association, Inc. encourages all small and minority-owned firms and women’s business enterprises to apply.
Any person with disabilities required special accommodations must contact the Tensas Water Distribution Association, Inc. no later than seven (7) days prior to bid opening.
The successful bidder must have an active Unique Entity ID (UEI) and be registered with the Federal System of Award (SAM) Registration Program prior to award of contract.
Tensas Water Distribution Association, Inc.
120 Walker Road
St. Joseph, LA 71366
Mike Thompson, President
9/18, 9/25, 10/2
FY 2025 – 2026
Capital Outlay Request
Roadway Improvements
WHEREAS, the Town of St. Joseph is submitting a Capital Outlay request for roadway improvements, through the assistance of Bryant Hammett & Associates, L.L.C.; and
WHEREAS, bond funding, other than state general obligation bond funding, is not available to the Town of St. Joseph to fund said project; and
WHEREAS, the Town of St. Joseph has exhausted all efforts at local option funding for said project; and
WHEREAS, the Town of St. Joseph has no budgeted funds for non-recurring appropriations; and
WHEREAS, the Town of St. Joseph has no surplus funding or uncommitted cash available;
SO THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of St. Joseph does hereby certify to the Commissioner of the Division of Administration that state general obligation bond funding is needed for said project since sufficient funding is not otherwise available to the Town of St. Joseph.
PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by votes this day of
Town of St. Joseph
/s/Matthew C. Alexander
/s/Heather Richard
1. 1995 Chevy Pickup (Orange) |
VIN# 1GCFC24H9SZ199741 |
Minimum Bid $500 |
2. 1999 Ford Ranger Pickup (Blue) |
VIN# 1FTYR14X7XPA24433 |
Minimum Bid $500 |
3. 2003 King Ranch F150 (Black) |
VIN# 1FTRW07L83KA75639 |
Minimum Bid $500 |
4. John Deere 4840 tractor (broken in half) |
Minimum Bid $500 |
5. John Deere tractor |
(two tractors in weeds) |
Minimum Bid $500 ea. |
6. Ford 750 Fire Truck |
VIN# F76FVJ62786 |
Minimum Bid $500 |
7. Other Fire Truck |
Minimum Bid $500 |
8. F350 Debris Tuck |
VIN# FDAF56F815A0416 |
Minimum Bid $500 |
9. GMC 8500 Garbage Truck |
VIN# 1GDP7H1C1XJ504834 |
Minimum Bid $500 |
10. Black Chevy Tahoe |
VIN# 1GNLC2E05DR209011 |
Minimum Bid $500 |
11. Maxx Force International Garbage Truck |
VIN# 3585327C1 |
Minimum Bid $500 |
12. Carpenter Trailer |
Minimum Bid $500 |
13. Brush Bandit Model 90XP |
Minimum Bid $500 |
14. Bush Hog Bat Wing Modern Ag Products |
Minimum Bid $500 |
15. Street Sweeper Exterra Advance |
Minimum Bid $500 |
16. Wacker Packer PT6 |
Minimum Bid $500 |
17. Water Tank & Trailer |
Minimum Bid $500 |
18. White Ford Crown Victoria |
VIN# 2FAFP71W9SX108925 |
Minimum Bid $500 |
Bring sealed bids to Town Hall in St. Joseph. Last day for acceptance of sealed bids is September 27, 2024. A meeting will be held the last week of September 2024 to open bids. Meeting date to be announced.
9/4, 9/18, 9/25
FY 2025 – 2026
Capital Outlay Request
Roadway Improvements
WHEREAS, the Town of St. Joseph is submitting a Capital Outlay request for roadway improvements, through the assistance of Bryant Hammett & Associates, L.L.C.; and
WHEREAS, bond funding, other than state general obligation bond funding, is not available to the Town of St. Joseph to fund said project; and
WHEREAS, the Town of St. Joseph has exhausted all efforts at local option funding for said project; and
WHEREAS, the Town of St. Joseph has no budgeted funds for non-recurring appropriations; and
WHEREAS, the Town of St. Joseph has no surplus funding or uncommitted cash available;
SO THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of St. Joseph does hereby certify to the Commissioner of the Division of Administration that state general obligation bond funding is needed for said project since sufficient funding is not otherwise available to the Town of St. Joseph.
PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by votes this day of
Town of St. Joseph
/s/Matthew C. Alexander
/s/Heather Richard
Whereas, Operating & Maintenance expenses has reached a level that present rate structure does not ensure VILLAGE OF ST. JOSEPH, LA adequate revenue to continue maintaining gas system in a safe and reliable manner as in the past;
Whereas, present rate structure does not address effect on net revenue of weather patterns and large unbudgeted expense items;
Whereas, present rate structure does not adequately provide revenue to offset increasing expenses associated with regulatory compliance;
Whereas, VILLAGE OF ST. JOSEPH, LA wishes to use best efforts to continue to provide its customers with a safe, reliable gas system while also providing them with services at a competitive price;
Now, therefore, The VILLAGE OF ST. JOSEPH, LA hereby adopts the following rate structure beginning OCTOBER 15 for its gas system;
Mcf – Thousand Cubic Feet
Ccf – Hundred Cubic Feet
Weighted Average Cost of Gas – All upstream cost of Gas Supply including gas, agent fees, transportation, imbalances and any other fees associated with gas supply divided by volume of city gate receipts.
Consumer Price Index – (CPI) is a measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services.
Gas Loss Percentage – Most recent July 1st thru June 30th comparison between gas delivered at city gate station(s) less Gas sold to city customers
Revenue Stabilization Factor – (RSF) Methodology Described in Section IV which is a monthly adjustment to gas markup to ensure required revenue is met for maintaining system regardless of weather patterns and other variables.
Monthly Availability Charge = $##.##+ CPI
Usage = (WACOG (Weighted Average Cost of Gas) per Hundred Cubic Foot (Ccf)) X GAS LOSS PERCENTAGE) + $ X.XX + CPI + RSF
Note: all reconnect fees, shut off fees or any other fees not specifically addressed this Resolution per the VILLAGE of XXXXXX, Louisiana Gas Rates & Fees will stay at the same rate as presently established.
Monthly Availability Charge = $##.## + CPI
Usage = (WACOG (Weighted Average Cost of Gas) per Hundred Cubic Foot (Ccf)) X GAS LOSS PERCENTAGE) + $ #.## + CPI + RSF
Note: all reconnect fees, shut off fees or any other fees not specifically addressed this Resolution per the Town of XXXXXX, Louisiana Gas Rates & Fees will stay at the same rate as presently established
Monthly Availability Charge = $##.##+ CPI
Usage = (WACOG (Weighted Average Cost of Gas) per Hundred Cubic Foot (Ccf)) X GAS LOSS PERCENTAGE) + $ #.## + CPI + RSF
Note: all reconnect fees, shut off fees or any other fees not specifically addressed this Resolution per the Town of XXXXXX, Louisiana Gas Rates & Fees will stay at the same rate as presently established
Monthly Availability Charge = $##.##+ CPI
Usage = (WACOG (Weighted Average Cost of Gas) per Hundred Cubic Foot (Ccf)) X GAS LOSS PERCENTAGE) + $ #.## + CPI + RSF
Note: all reconnect fees, shut off fees or any other fees not specifically addressed this Resolution per the Town of XXXXXX, Louisiana Gas Rates & Fees will stay at the same rate as presently established
Annually the Gas system Availability charge & per unit margin for all non-negotiated rate customers will be adjusted by using the most recent CPI as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics Table 1. Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U).
The Mayor and Council shall approve a budget for the gas system annually with an amount of Revenue in Excess of expenses which is sufficient to ensure the gas system is safe and reliable. This Revenue Stabilization Factor will be calculated monthly to ensure that the targeted net revenue is met.
The RSF shall be calculated monthly based on the following methodology:
Step 1. Each month the budgeted sales volumes will be compared to actual sales volumes and at any point sales do not meet the budgeted sales projections, the shortfall in dollars will be calculated.
Step 2. Each month the city will calculate the total dollars for any unbudgeted expenses :
Step 3. The city will then divide the projected remaining budgeted sales total into the total of Step 1 revenue shortfall + Step 2 unbudgeted expenses.
Step 4. The resulting calculation will be added to the markup over weighted average cost of gas for the remainder of the fiscal year.
Revenue Shortfall thru current month – $20,000.00
Unbudgeted expenses thru current month – $ 2,000.00
Remaining Fiscal Year Budgeted Sales – 250,000 Ccf
RSF – $22,000 ÷ 250,000 = $0.088 per Ccf
All ordinances, resolutions or parts of ordinances or resolutions in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed.
If any section, provision, or part of this resolution shall be adjudged to be invalid or unconstitutional, such adjudication shall not affect the validity of the resolution as a whole or any section, provision, or part thereof, not adjudged invalid or unconstitutional.
This resolution shall be in effect on Month/Day/Year, after its final passage approval, and publication as provided by law.
Passed and approved this ___ day ________________.
Town of XXXXXX, LA
9/18, 9/25, 10/2