Sandra Guida’s first grade class was excited to help faculty and students celebrate the first 100 days of the school year at Tensas Elementary on Jan. 29.
The theme was One Hundred Days Made Me One Smart Cookie.
The day was noteworthy because over half of the year is gone and students have demonstrated a lot of learning. Many schools take the time to celebrate them so they can refocus and finish the school year strong.
There were several different activities focused upon at Tensas Elementary.
They included students wearing their 100 day shirts, dressing as an elderly person and making posters.
Students were able to write a goal they had for themselves for the rest of the school year and place it on the 100 day poster.
Each teacher focused on different age-appropriate learning activities such as finding 100 words, being a detective in math while solving problems to find out who stole the 100 treats, and coloring the number 100 to name a few.
Principal Sharon Robinson and the 100 day committee treated the students to cookies as they solved riddles for treats.
The highlight came when Superintendent Joyce Russ visited each class and gave each student a 100 Grand candy bar.
Overall it was a very enjoyable day for students.